Saturday, July 24, 2004

My American Dream

When I left my country, Romania, to come to USA all I knew about this place was that "It's the land of all possibilities". I had no friends here, all my family remained in Europe and INS gave me an ID that had the photo of a black man right next to the inscription SEX: F (emale). :-)

It is hard to learn how to start on your own after living in a country that was under communism for 45 years. Especially when you give up everything just for the sake of democracy and freedom. No friends, no relatives... Ironically, just an abusive relationship with a man who thinks he can do anything he wants "just because he's an American". I left him behind too, when I opened my yes and realized: this is America; I have rights also.

Now, after I changed seven-eight jobs (in about five years), experienced marriage and got my permanent green card - with the right photo this time J - I'm finally starting to see what that statement about America really means.

It looks like it is starting to come together. Not too long ago I was hired in one of those jobs most immigrants dream about. The pay is nice; I have a pretty desk, friendly coworkers, great benefits, a set schedule and a "naughty" view from the tallest building in Boston. My circle of friends seems to be growing – and being able to actually have a social life makes my days so much more enjoyable. I eat well, travel in style and … live my dream.

It’s still not easy, but at least I am more independent than I used to be last year or so and I actually can afford to have time to dream and even fulfill that dream.

It’s funny how this works. Before, I had a few big dreams - because I knew I couldn’t afford small ones. Now, I can’t really “afford” a big dream anymore because I’m flooded by smaller ones.

I'm in the right mood setting for writing again ('cause that's what I'd like to do). I'm a writer "at heart" - and a Journalist by degree. My first book in English, "Internet addiction" is hopefully going to be out soon.

So... I guess the American dream can be lived. I know I still have a long way till I get there, but... I"M ON MY WAY! One thing I can say for sure: I'm thousands of miles away from where I was five years ago. Now I have hope and I can live instead of just barely surviving. I’m living MY DREAM while longing for THE AMERICAN DREAM.

If you want to post your comments or a short version of your "true life American Story" as a comment to this blog you are welcomed to do so.


1 comment:

Denisa said...

Tears of blood is about the September 11 attac: